Saturday, October 17, 2009

::: barbie presents THUMBELINA!!!! :::


yippee.. hari ni x yah keje.. =p bese kene 0T.. seb baik depavali.. =)

nway.. tadi baru je tgk cite barbie..!!! suke2!! \(^^)/

best.. best.. n best..

citenye pasal human dan twillerbees.. pasal kekeluargaan, friendship, kerjasama dan usaha mempertahankan Twillerbees's world.. =)

and the important thing is..

"smallest person can make difference in the world"

untuk tau lebih lanjut pasal cite ni, saya copy paste kan synopsisnye di cni.. hehe..

Barbie knows that even the smallest person can make a difference in the world, so when she leads a group of young children on a tree planting expedition in a nature preserve, she makes sure that each child knows that his or her action is important and meaningful. To illustrate her point, Barbie tells the kids the story of a young Twillerbee named Thumbelina who vowed to save her people and their world from destruction in spite of enormous odds. When humans Evan and Vanessa decide to raze an extensive flower field to build a new factory, their spoiled daughter Makena demands a patch of the flowers be brought home in hopes of impressing her equally spoiled friend Violet. Twillerbees Thumbelina, Janessa, and Chrysella, who live in the field with hundreds of other Twillerbees, are accidentally transported with the flowers. Before they can escape and return home, the three discover the plan to destroy their field. Thumbelina resolves to stop the destruction of the field by appealing to Makena and her parents while Janessa and Chrysella return home with plans to sabotage the demolition equipment and delay groundbreaking. Makena is initially uncooperative, but Thumbelina's heartfelt appeal and her genuine offer of friendship eventually persuade Makena to try to convince her parents to halt construction. Can one small girl and one tiny Twillerbee possibly save the Twillerbees and their habitat? Perhaps anything is possible if you believe.

(resource: kat cni)

saya memang suke cite barbie..

  • Barbie in the Nutcracker
  • Barbie as Rapunzel
  • Barbie of Swan Lake
  • Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper
  • Barbie: Fairytopia
  • Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus
  • Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses
  • Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow
  • Barbie as The Island Princess
  • Barbie Mariposa
  • Barbie and The Diamond Castle
  • Barbie in A Christmas Carol
  • Barbie: Thumbelina

sume cite kat atas ni saya dah tgk.. hehe.. ada yang di download.. bli cetak rompak punye.. hehe..
yang slebihnye saye tgk dari koleksi k.ipar saye.. die bli cD ori.. heheh..

saya sukekan grafiknye.. cantik.. saya sukekan watak2 nye.. ye saya tau saya dah besar.. tapi biarlah saya tetap suke walaupon orang kate cite tu x logik.. name lagi cite kat0n.. heheh..

seingat saya, masa kecik dulu saya ada 1 anak patong barbie.. akak saya belikan sempena hari jadi.. hoho.. ye, saya ingat lagi baju die wane merah sekali ngan seluar.. spasang la kire.. rambut die wane kuning.. (kuning ke?? bukan kuning.. putihh.. ala cam rambut barbie yang iklan kat tv tu.. yang pastinye bukan wane coklat.. hehehh..dan yang lebih pastinye rambut die makin kusut dari shari ke shari.. ngeh3..)..

yang bestnye kakak saya jahit baju untuk barbie tu.. hehe.. ada la 3 4 pasang.. sampai mak saya marah sebab akak x buat keje lain.. huhu.. then dari situ my barbie doll dah xde baju baru.. hehe..

secara keseluruhannya.. saya memang suke tgk cite katon.. cite2 manusia ni saya layan jugak tp katon lebih diutamakan.. xtau la nape.. saya suke..!!

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